Witness #1 - Dead - “These Guys” boast about politically assassinating Dr. Hieber by gassing him to death to silence him. He died of symptoms consistent with being gassed to death.
Witness #2 – Dead – Nancy Meersman, the Court Reporter for the Union Leader Corporation was fired and then dropped dead shortly after being fired. No new Court Reporter was assigned to replace her. Prior to her death we spoke repeatedly on the phone and in person. She was excited about my case and how well I had documented it. She was told by Union Leader Editor Joe McQuaid that her articles about my court cases were not to be published. She was incensed. She told me that what I had put together was astonishing and that it could get her a Pulitzer Prize. She lived with her mother. Shortly after she dropped dead, her mother followed suite. The Union Leader Corporation is owned and controlled by the Scagliotti and Tomasko families.
Witness #3 – Disappeared - Roger Talbot, the award winning investigative reporter for the Union Leader Corporation interviewed me extensively. He won his award with his excellent reporting on the Judge John Fairbanks case linked to organize crime and the NH Attorney Generals Office through Chief Investigator G. Michael Bahan. He gave me some excellent leads to pursue that opened up a Pandora's Box of corruption.. He suddenly retired and speaks to people through a crack in his door. He was served a subpoena in one of my several mis-trials. He defied it and the judge did nothing. The Union Leader Corporation is owned and controlled by the Scagliotti and Tomasko families.
Witness #4 - Disappeared - (APPENDIX XXX) This informant, Mr. Ronald “Muscles” Sayballs, was slated to testify at one of my several trials. He disappeared before being able to testify.
Witness #5 - Disappeared - (APPENDIX XX) The former Chief Investigator at the NH Attorney General’s Office, G. Michael Bahan, is on tape threatening this politician. Investigator Bahan was subpoenaed to testify. He disappeared just prior to the trial. NH AG Kelly Ayotte refused to disclose his whereabouts. That is witness tampering in a murder investigation.
Witness #6 – Dead - (APPENDIX X) Dr. James J. Adams was another witness at trial. He drowned alone in a remote lake just after resigning from his post and just prior to my issuing a subpoena for him to testify. He is on tape committing several felonies in a failed attempt at covering up for these heinous crimes.
Witness #7 - Gone missing - Assistant Hillsborough County Attorney “Tony” Introcasso hails from NY and NJ. He is on tape boasting of his connections to the Italian Mafia in the trucking industry and repeatedly asking me, out of context to our short meeting, “Where is Jimmy Hoffa?” His message is clear. Stop running for office or you will suffer the same fate as Jimmy Hoffa. His Mob name, in his own words, on tape, is............... “Attorney Soprano.” His message could not be clearer.
Witness #8 – Dead – Mr. John Janigan died on June 21, 2015.
Witness #9 – Threatened – Gerard Beloin, Candidate for the US Senate in 2020 and 2022 is currently under the threat of death by members of organized crime masquerading as agents for the State of NH tied to the Shaheen political machine.
Witness #10 – Dead – Sir Kently Blue of New Boston is his AKC registered name. AKA Kenny Boy. He died suddenly of kidney failure on February 16, 2018. When you read the chapter on Kenny you will understand how he would have made a great witness.
Witness #11 - Dead – Violent mobster “Eddy Nails” threatening this candidate for the US Senate with a gun for exposing him as a fraud. Eddy Nails was a registered Democrat. A violent left wing Socialist Democrat activist masquerading as a conservative taxpayer watchdog, who admits on tape, that “violent political assassinations, extortion, arson, murder and murder for hire schemes” are an accepted and legitimate form of political discourse in NH. In the linked recording, Eddy Nails and his assistant side with an admitted violent political assassin who is now a judge. Judge Kerry “The Killer” Steckowych. The Coalition For NH Taxpayers organization is a proven front for organized crime. When I exposed him and the Coalition for NH Taxpayers as frauds linked to organized crime, he abruptly ended the meeting and told me to “Leave now!” while pointing a gun at my chest. “Is this what you are looking for????” This is on tape. There is a witness.
Witness #12 – Dead – Richard Gagnon. Passed away suddenly on June 1, 2022. Dick Gagnon was my IT guy while I was illegally incarcerated. He posted all of my legal documents on my websites for public dissemination. He possessed all of my files. He is prominently mentioned in my book and helped me write it. I would mail him a copy of my MOTIONS and he would post them to my server where they became searchable. Democracy dies in the darkness and he made sure that the lights stayed on. He always took and returned my calls. His actions maintained my high internet profile. It kept me safe. He attended my parole hearing. He informed everyone on the NH State Prison Adult Parole Board that he was the one keeping the public informed about my court cases and the hit contract out on me by “politicians calling up the Italians from NJ.” I believe that the members of the parole board thought Dick Gagnon was the most dangerous man in the room at my parole hearing. All charges against me were eventually dismissed. It would not have happened without him maintaining my internet megaphone. Thank you, Dick. Now I know why our founding fathers put the 1st Amendment first. You will be missed.